

Filing Codes


Except as otherwise provided in individual items in this 
a). All rates and charges set forth in this schedule are
    expressed in U.S. Dollars.
b). Commodity rates herein are specific and do not apply
    to analogous articles.
c). Rates and charges in this schedule shall be on a weight
    or measurement basis whichever provides the greater 
    revenue, unless otherwise specifically provided for in 
    this schedule.
(1) When cargo is moving on a weight basis, it shall be 
    on the actual gross weight, including packing and shall
    be rated per ton or 2,000 lbs.
(2) When cargo is moving on a measurement basis, it shall
    include the three (3) greatest outside dimensions of 
    each package, piece or other cargo unit as tendered by  
    the shipper and shall be rated on a basis of 40 cu/ft.
d). Packages containing different articles will be 
    charged at the rate applicable to the highest rated
    article in the package.  Articles which have been 
    combined or attached to each other, will be charged at
    the rate applicable to the highest rated article of the
e). Rates named herein are exclusive of Marine 
f). Each package, bundle or piece of cargo must be 
    plainly marked with the full name or initials of 
    consignees and the destination in full to insure proper
    delivery. The marks on packages must be compared with 
    the shipping order if necessary, corrections made by the
    shipper or his representative. Old marks must be 
    removed or defaced.
g). All cargo must be properly and sufficiently packed or
    protected to withstand damage due to normal handling
    in transit. If shippers elect to forward shipments not 
    sufficiently packed or protected to withstand damage
    while in transit, the Terminal Operator will issue a 
    cargo delivery receipt with the endorsement 
    "Unprotected" or "Insufficiently Packed or Protected, 
     At Owner's Risks."
h). All rates and charges published in this schedule apply
    only to cargo while in the custody of the port Terminal
    Operator and to cargo being discharged from or loaded 
    onto a vessel by the Terminal Operator.

Table Of Contents

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