

Filing Codes


The terminal operator will provide stevedoring services
to vessels with or without self-contained cargo handling
gears loading and/or discharging at the terminal warehouse
pier limited to the availability of stevedores; the
following rates will be assessed on inbound and outbound
cargo; and except as otherwise provided, rates apply per
ton of 2,000 lbs. (W) or 40 cubic feet (M), whichever
produces the greater revenue.
Ad Valorem         $100 - $1000        5% of total value
Cargo             $1000 - Over        10% of total value
Asphalt (Drummed)                 W/M                  6.25
Bulk Cargo or Bleed Cargo         W/M                 13.00
BUS (requires lifting)            W/M                  8.50
BUS (Roll on/Roll off)            W/M                  4.20
Cement (Bagged, Unpalletized)     W/M                 10.25
Cement (Palletized)               W/M                  8.00
Concrete Block (Loose)           Per Block              .25
Concrete Block (Palletized)       W/M                  6.25
A. Container Containing Cargo:
Discharging full container
from ship to dock or loading
full container from  dock to ship  W/M                 5.50
B. Container(Empty):
Discharging empty container
from ship to dock or loading
container from dock to ship.     Each Movement        35.00 
Drum  55-gal (Empty)             Each                  1.00
Drummed POL Products (55 gal.)     W/M                 6.25 
General Cargo (foodstuff Only)
excludes soft drinks, alcoholic
and other drinking beverages.      W/M                 5.50
General Cargo NOS                  W/M                 8.50
Hazardous Cargo                    W/M                12.25
Heavy  Lift Rates:
The following rates will be assessed in addition to the
basic rate.  For each additional 2,000 lbs. or fraction
thereof, in excess of 2,000 lbs. will be assessed $1.00.
      6,000 lbs. and not over  8,000 lbs.   2.00
Over  8,000 lbs. and not over 10,000 lbs.   3.00
Over 10,000 lbs. and not over 12,000 lbs.   4.00
Over 12,000 lbs. and not over 14,000 lbs.   5.00
Over 14,000 lbs. and not over 16,000 lbs.   6.00
Over 16,000 lbs. and not over 18,000 lbs.   7.00
Over 18,000 lbs. and not over 20,000 lbs.   8.00
Iron or Steel Products (Steel, Bars, Pipes, etc.)
                       W/M                  6.75
C. Long Length:
Any single unit of cargo over forty (40) feet in length
shall be assessed the following rate in addition to the
basic rate.  For each additional ten (10) feet or a
fraction thereof in excess of one hundred (100) feet
will be assessed $0.50.
40 feet and not over  50 feet               0.50
51 feet and not over  60 feet               1.00
61 feet and not over  70 feet               1.50
71 feet and not over  80 feet               2.00
81 feet and not over  90 feet               2.50
91 feet and not over  100 feet              3.00
Livestock (Cows, Horses)       PER HEAD    15.50
Lumber                         MBM          6.75
D. Miscellaneous:
1.Delays and detention of Stevedores and Related
Due to the vessel power failure, vessel gear failure,
covering/uncovering, lashing, shoring, laying dunnage,
clearing holds, waiting time, or other reason beyond
the control of the terminal operator shall be charged
against the carrier on the basic rate cost plus 15% by
the terminal operator or personnel involved; also,
whenever, for carrier's benefit and the stevedores work
beyond regular shift hours, the carrier will then be
charged in addition to the regular stevedore rate the
above described detention rate.
2.Legal Holidays and Sundays (Overtime Rate);
All work performed in normal stevedoring and handling
activities at regular cargo rate on an overtime basis
including Sundays and Legal Holidays observed by the
Terminal Operator, in connection with any stevedoring
function except special services shall be charged an
overtime differential of 50% from 0800 hours to 1800
hours and 80% from 1800 to midnight and 100% from
Midnight to 0600 hours to the basic payroll of each
3. Line Handling;
Line handling charges will be assessed at cost of
personnel plus 25% for supervision and overhead, for the
carrier's account.
When stevedores and related personnel are required to
work through their regularly scheduled meal period, the
water carrier will be assessed the overtime rate of one
half (1/2) of the wage rate for each employee, in
addition to the regular stevedoring charges.
From 1800 hours to Midnight 50% and from Midnight to
0600 hours 100% additional to basic payroll of each
Will be assessed the regular rate as applicable
throughout this schedule for each handling, discharging
from and reloading back to the vessel except for the
restowing of overstowed cargo within the same hold
level, then only the regular rate will apply or one
assessment will be made. The Chief Officer of the
vessel will be required to supply weight and cube
measurement of the cargo shifted and sign appropriate
documentation verifying the services rendered.
All non-containerized transshipment cargo will be assessed
$11.00 per R/T, stevedoring and handling charges
combined, discharging being on account of first carrier;
loading being on account of second carrier, with a
minimum charge of $11.00 per bill of lading.
All container (full) for transhipment will be assessed
$5.50 per RT, stevedoring and handling charges
combined: discharging to account of first carrier;
loading to account of second carrier.
All container (empty) for transhipment will be assessed
$35.00 per container: discharging to account of first
carrier; loading to account of second carrier.
$80.00 per gang hour during normal working hours, and
$160.00 per gang hour during holidays, weekends and
nighttime hours; waiting time is assessed from the time
stevedores are called, the minimum charge of two (2)
9. All other services which do not fall in any of the
above classifications, rates and services shall be by
special arrangements between the terminal operators and
the carrier or its agents.
The minimum charge per Bill of Lading is 1] $10.00 on
CFS or breakbulk cargoes, or 2] $55.00 on containers
carrying less than 20,000 lbs. or less than 4 cubic feet,
whichever is applicable, (10 R/T)
Pigs                 EACH                5.00
Refrigerated Cargo
(Foodstuff Only)     W/M                 6.50
Refrigerated Cargo
NOS                  W/M                 8.00
Metal                Cost plus 25% to account of shipper
Metal                W/M                 7.00
Shifting Cargo
in same hold         W/M                 5.50
Shifting Cargo from
vessel to dock and
back to vessel       W/M                16.40
Shifting of containers (full)  20'  EACH MOVEMENT   25.00
inside the hatch or on deck    40'                  35.00
as required by carrier         45'                  45.00
Shifting of containers (empty) 20'  EACH MOVEMENT   15.00
inside the hatch or on deck    40'                  25.00
as required by carrier.        45'  EACH MOVEMENT   35.00
Shifting of containers (full)  20'  EACH MOVEMENT   35.00
by discharging from ship to    40'                  45.00
dock and loading from dock to  45'                  55.00
ship as required by carrier.
shifting of containers (empty) 20'  EACH MOVEMENT   25.00
by discharging from ship to    40'                  35.00
dock and loading from dock to  45'                  45.00
ship as required by carrier.
Stevedoring from
Lighter or Barge.                     W/M           10.00
Stevedoring into
Lighter or Barge                      W/M            9.00
Stuffing outbound
cargo at container
freight station
into container will
be assessed to the
carrier's account.                    W/M            4.50
Trochus Shell
(Bagged)                              W/M            7.80
Truck/Van Truck (Roll on/Roll/off)    W/M            4.20
Truck/Van Truck (Requiring Lifting    W/M            8.50
Unstuffing containers
at the container
freight station will
be assessed to the
carrier's account.                    W/M            4.50
Van Containing Cargo
less than 20'
container                             W/M            4.65
Van Empty less than
20' container                         W/M            3.10
Vehicles (Requiring Lifting)          W/M            8.50
Vehicles (Roll on/Roll off)           W/M            4.20

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